Sunday, January 11, 2015

Aged Apple

Aged Apple, 1-11-2015, Moleskine sketchpad 3.5" x 5.5"
In early September, not long after we moved to the Buffalo area, we found a lovely place to walk, Amherst State Park. Many people visit Glen Park Falls near there, located right off Main Street in Williamsville. The park is just slightly north of there and accessible by trails.

We found the parking area on the far north side of the park just beside a lovely old convent (now senior housing) and strolled down into an old, old orchard, where a few apple trees were still growing. Left to themselves, the trees were definitely senior citizens, much loved by the locals--the squirrels!

Favorite part: The trunk is really what it's all about, and I like that, but I guess the foreground shadow pleases me most.

Amherst Park is a nice place to walk. You'll find a lovely stream, a beautiful bridge, fields, rocks and trees, even a swimming hole with big trees, where we found some boys performing amazing feats--or so they thought.

And summer will come again!


  1. I miss the colour Deborah. I hope you have a more tranquily year in 2015.

  2. Thanks, Doug. I hope it's a serene year, too, but we'll see! The pencil is fun because it renews my acquaintance with values. Always good to go back to basics, I think. I'm sure the color will return in time, not only here in NY but in my paintings. I started one yesterday of an icy river bend at sunset and was interrupted by neighbors dropping in for a visit. I'll see if I can get back to it soon.
