Wednesday, January 9, 2019

30 Non-Objective Paintings in January 2019--Lifted High

Lifted High, w/c, 3" x 4"

New year--new personal painting challenge!

During the quiet winter months I like to set up a project. I decided to do some abstractions this year, which I find particularly difficult. Push yourself, I thought, just go for it and see what happens. So I have begun my journey.

I consider non-objective paintings THE hardest kind to do well. This series is devoted to painting abstraction, but I don't want these paintings to simply be splashing paint around. I feel that a non-objective painting must use the elements of art, so I'm not just abandoning myself to the medium. Spontaneity, yes, but with a goal.

I have some inspirational photos that give me color harmonies to explore, and compositional choices, with form, line, shape, space, texture, pattern and value goals. As I began this painting, I freely admit to being nervous, tentative, and yes, I did comfort myself with some landscapeish shapes and colors. I guess I started on the low board, not the high dive, so to speak, but when one is learning to go in headfirst, anything is better than nothing.  As a non-objective painting, it's not a total belly flop, at least.

The image pleases me. I like the way the shape encompasses high and low, top and bottom, leading your eye around the composition. And as I painted it, I kept telling myself to use beautiful color, which worked particularly well.

"Lifted High"
30 Non-Objective Paintings in January
Watercolor, 3" x 4", Arches 300 lb c/p

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