Friday, December 26, 2014


11-21-2014, 3.5" x 5.5" Moleskine sketchpad
Yes, there was plenty of snow. Abundant snow. Plentiful. Excessive. Lots and lots.

Streets were so deep in snow, with so many cars abandoned where they stopped, that they had to dig them out one at a time by hand and tow them away, before going on to the next one. Again, a screenshot from WIVB in Buffalo.

Somehow a vertical format seemed to express that depth best.

Favorite part: that one little branch photo-bombing the picture. Somehow it enhances the sense of deep snow. Such bits have always been a compositional no-no for me as a rule. I lectured my students not to include little overhead intruders, which occurred in photographing the scene--a dead giveaway that you used a photo as your resource, I said. True. But out here in the treed parts of the world overhanging branches are expected and common. And in this case the branch adds height, resulting in depth. I like that. (Old dog learning new tricks, I guess!)

By the way, please expect to see more snowy landscapes here. You won't be disappointed.

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